Using Shops
A video tutorial for shops can be found here.
Using Shops
To create a shop, players will need a chest and a sign.
Place the chest, and then the sign onto the chest or on the block in front of it.
Each of the four written lines of the sign indicates a certain detail of the shop.
Three types of a shop can be created, each has a slightly different process to create it.
Sell Shops

Must be formatted as such;
- Top Line: To make the chest a shop, the sign must contain the text [shop] on the top row.
- Second Line: Type the number of items you would like to sell for a certain amount of Bexcoin.
- Third Line: Type the numerical amount of Bexcoin you would like in return for the number of items on the second line. (We’ve decided the exchange rate would be Ƀ1 = 1 Diamond)
- Bottom Line: Type the text sell, to indicate a sell shop.
Once these details are entered, click done.
Hold the item you’d like to sell in your main hand and left-click (punch) the sign.
At this point, the text on the sign should change to purple, and the shop is activated. Remember to stock the shop with the items it is selling.

To buy from a shop, right-click the sign itself. You will receive the item and your balance (checked by /bal) will be deducted by the corresponding value.
Buy Shops
Must be formatted as such;

- Top Line: To make the chest a shop, the sign must contain the text [shop] on the top row.
- Second Line: Type the number of items you would like to buy for a certain amount of Bexcoin.
- Third Line: Type the numerical amount of Bexcoin you would like to offer in return for the number of items on the second line. (We’ve decided the exchange rate would be Ƀ1 = 1 Diamond)
- Bottom Line: Type the text buy, to indicate a sell shop.
Once these details are entered, click done.
Hold the item you’d like to buy in your main hand and left-click (punch) the sign. If you do not own the item you would like to buy, punch the chest without an item in your hand. Then, open your inventory using as usual, and you will enter the creative menu. Find and select the item you would like to buy and ‘throw’ it out of your inventory.
At this point, the text on the sign will turn green, and the shop is activated.
To sell to a buy shop, go up to it and right-click the sign itself. Ensure that you have the item the shop is buying in your inventory. The shop will take items from there in increments of the amount the shop buys.
Your balance will increase (checked by /bal) and the shop owner’s balance will decrease
If, when creating the shop, you only require a certain amount of the item, use filler items. For example, You only want two stacks of cobblestone but a chest has loads of empty slots. Fill all but two slots with a filler item so they cannot be occupied.
Points to note
Once the shop has been finalised, you can toggle the item above the chest shop. Using your bare fist and right-clicking will toggle between:
- The item
- The item in a frame
- Nothing (shop item appears as text on shop sign instead)
Shops can be made using chests, trapped chests, barrels, or shulker boxes, and double chests can be used to double a shop’s capacity.
Any other items in the chest shop will not be sold, so you may also put shulkers of your shop item to make restocking the shop more expedient.
You can see extended information about your owned shop by shift-right-clicking the chest itself, similar to what customers do with a simple right click.
Other players will not be able to open or break someone’s chest shop.
To remove your chest shop, break the sign attached to the chest. The chest will become a vanilla chest once again.